Bay Area AAZK

Who We Are

2023 Officers

President – Marisa Riordan, Oakland Zoo

The president’s duties include: facilitating meetings; helping to organize fundraisers; communicating with the national chapter; and, along with the other officers, determining the future and direction of the chapter.


Vice President – Alyssa Watt, Oakland Zoo

The vice-president’s duties include: assisting the president with his/her duties and performing those duties in absence of president; and organizing the yearly election.




Treasurer, Secretary- Sam Sammons, Oakland Zoo

The treasurer’s duties include: collecting chapter dues depositing them into the chapter bank account; keeping track of all chapter financial transactions; filling out the recharter package and sending it in to the national chapter.

The secretary’s duties include: taking notes at each meeting and sending those notes out to chapter members; keeping a list of current chapter members; and maintaining the chapter email list.

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