Archive for April, 2014
The Winning Organization is…
by admin on Apr.21, 2014, under Uncategorized
Thank you everyone for nominating and voting for local organizations for BAAAZK to support this year!
Last Chance to Vote + Save the Date
by admin on Apr.19, 2014, under Uncategorized
Tomorrow is the last day to vote on the organization you want BAAAZK to give money to.  The money we receive from membership dues, fundraisers and more help us sponsor these organizations dedicated to conservation.  Please vote here!
AAZK Conference Scholarship
by admin on Apr.14, 2014, under Uncategorized
Registration for the 41st National AAZK Conference is now open.  As a chapter member, you are eligible for our $500 conference scholarship.  Please submit the completed form  to an officer or email it to us by April 30th.
Good luck!
Voting Beings Now!
by admin on Apr.12, 2014, under Uncategorized
Thank you for nominating organizations for BAAAZK to support this year!  All of these organizations are based in California and help our native wildlife.  Please check your email for the voting survey and vote for the organization you would like us to provide some financial support to by Sunday, the 20th.
Who Should BAAAZK Sponsor This Year?
by admin on Apr.07, 2014, under Uncategorized
Last year, BAAAZK supported Chopsticks for Salamanders. We look forward to seeing your nominations by this coming Thursday.